Artful Spirituality

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Are you showing up for YOU?

How do you define success in your art practice?

Have you seen people posting on social media all the art that they are creating as part of The 100 Day Project? It started a few days ago as a time to focus on the practice of artmaking. The variety of art people have committed to is astounding, in part because there are no rules! You get to decide exactly how and what you will create. There are no “100 Day project” police so no one will complain if you get started late, or skip a day or two or more on your journey to 100 days!

This year the project that chose me is learning geometric art. I’m really enjoying a course on the Introduction to Geometric Art by Clarissa Grandi. I’ve been spending quite a lot of time drawing circles to develop muscle memory required to use a compass! Clarissa’s day job is teaching math to high school children and she creates beautiful geometric art as well. She calls this kind of artwork math without the numbers! Below you can check out a couple of my pieces. I was planning to focus on creating abstracted faces, but instead I followed the sparkly breadcrumbs in the course and found myself wanting to spend time there. That’s why I said that this project chose me. 

Following the sparkly breadcrumbs!

100 days is a really long time, so you have to do something that you really love in order to stick to it. What kind of creative activity brings you the most joy? If you followed the sparkly breadcrumbs, where would you be led? What would you want to do for 100 days? Are you participating in this project? Do you want to? 

Are you showing up for YOU?

The real magic of The 100 Day Project is making a commitment to yourself and to your art practice, and keeping that promise! Even if you change directions. Even if you miss a few days. The important thing is to show up to your art practice.  It’s called a practice because it needs consistent loving attention. Your practice needs you to practice showing up. Showing up is a huge win every time you do it. And that is what I plan to focus on. That's how I want to define “success” in this endeavor. I don't need to and can’t (yet) create perfect works of geometric art. There is a computer program for that! What is important to me is to show up to my art practice as consistently as possible because it brings me joy, and I want more of that in my life!

Nicholas Wilton, the founder of Art2Life and the Creative Visionary Project, beautifully explains the importance of consistency in an art practice:

Measure the success of your Art Making not so much from specific results but from the consistency of showing up. Art making is a PRACTICE. The VALUE is in the process, which, when consistent, generates better and better and better work.

Last February, I signed up for his fabulous, deep dive, 12 week course (and just got around to finishing all of the recordings last week!). Nick’s teachings on mindset are amazing! The course covers all the art school principles in a very accessible way. I can see that my art is changing as a result of taking his course. For me, the most impactful lessons were about letting go of limiting beliefs and finding the courage to taking more risks in my artwork.  And I’m showing up more consistently!

I took his free 5 day course twice before jumping into the long course. 10 out of 10 Would Recommend!

If you need a nudge to get started showing up for you and for your art practice, here it is:

Nicolas’s free 5 day course starts this Monday, March 4th! Register using the link below:

The Art of Your Life Free Workshop

It’s free! Why not sign up, jump in, and show up for you!